Rapar in Kutch district of Gujarat is a socially and economically backward area. A low gender ratio, low education among girls, rigid traditions and social practices and the subordinate status of women were some of the salient features initially observed in the area. On delving into issues related to women, AWAG learnt about the practice of child and Saataa Paata marriages, wherein marriages are based on the ‘Saataa Paata’ practice.
Since such marriages are arranged at a young age, education is often hindered. More often than not, a woman faced with violence is neither able to sever her marriage nor to go to her parents’ home, because by doing so, her brother’s marriage gets adversely affected.
Hence, in real terms, she has little or no choice. AWAG has addressed the issue by virtue of several meetings/gatherings with the local communities, thus bringing about a realization among them to oppose the practice.